Reta proga kartu aplankyti Londoną

  • Paskelbė : Natalija Solden
  • Paskelbta: 2023-02-22
  • Kategorija: Aktualijos

Vasario mėnesį buvo organizuota 5 dienų mokyklinė išvyka į Londoną, JK. Joje  dalyvavo aštuoniolika I-IV kl. mokinių. Programa rūpinosi anglų klb. mokytojos T. Bruskina ir L. Miloš. Mokiniai galėjo aplankyti daugybę įžymių vietų, tokių kaip :  Mokslo muziejus, Madam Tussaud muziejus, Britų muziejus, Vestminsterio abatija it kt. Žinoma, jie pamatė Bekingemo rūmus, karališkąją rezidenciją. Be to, jie sužinojo daug įdomių faktų apie Šv. Pauliaus bažnyčią, Trafalgaro aikštę ir Piccadilly Circus. Mokiniams buvo iššūkis klausytis angliškai kalbančio gido, kuris papasakojo apie „Globe“ ( Šekspyro) teatro istoriją, tačiau pats apsilankymas teatre labai patiko. Dar gėrėjosi  puikiais vaizdais  iš atrakciono „London Eye“. Mokiniai galėjo ne tik aplankyti muziejus, bet ir leisti laisvalaikį pačiame Londono centre, paragauti įvairių virtuvių kavinėse, tarp jų ir kinų kvartale, o svarbiausia – patobulinti savo kalbėjimo įgūdžius.
Kiekvieną dieną jie gaudavo medžiagą apie vietas, kurias ketino aplankyti kitą dieną, o ryte prieš išvykdami dalyvaudavo „apvaliojo stalo diskusijose “ ir viktorinose, kurias iš anksto paruošdavo mokytojai. 
Be to, kiekvieną dieną mokiniai savo atsiliepimus siųsdavo anglų kalba, o kelionės pabaigoje kai kurie tai atlikdavo ir lietuviškai. Žinoma, kai kurie mokiniai rašė, kad pavargo, kai kurie jaučiasi nejaukiai muziejuose (pvz., Siaubo kameroje Vaškinių figūrų muziejuje), vienas net parašė, kad  nepatinka Harrods (garsi parduotuvė), nes nieko negali ten nusipirkti.T iesą sakant, tikslas buvo tiesiog pamatyti tą parduotuvę ir sužinoti jos istoriją. Tačiau iš tikrųjų dauguma atsiliepimų buvo labai teigiami .Akivaizdu, kad  mokiniai liko sužavėti išvyka. 
Taigi keletas mokinių atsiliepimų. Beje, anglų klb. rašyti atsiliepimai neredaguoti – gal bus įdomu skaitant paieškoti klaidų.  

V B, 12kl

“…we visited Westminster Abbey.  I was pleased with the atmosphere of the building. Some person played the argon, which gave sacredness, spirituality. Thus, stained glass windows, sculptures and interiors became more interesting and mystical. Then we went to look at Buckingham Palace.  I liked not only the building, but also the area with a fountain where you can walk....”   “…. there (in the Science museum) were many interesting things. Most of all I liked the medicine-themed rooms on the first floor. For example, there were mannequins of people in a section, so it was possible to see the structure of the body. Moreover, I was interested in exhibits of organs and books. I am very interested in medicine, especially in biology...”

 ,,Asmeniškai man kelionė labai patiko. Seniai norėjau aplankyti Londoną, todėl labai apsidžiaugiau šia galimybe.  Ši kelionė man suteikė daug žinių ir emocijų. Jaučiu, kaip pagerėjo mano anglų kalbos įgūdžiai, ypač klausymo srityje, nes beveik visą laiką buvau apsupta angliškai kalbančių žmonių.  Patiko aplinkinių žmonių išvaizdos įvairovė, parduotuvių gausa.  Man ypač imponuoja Londono architektūra,jaučiausi  tarsi patekusi į kitą pasaulį.  Be to, kartais tiesiog užsimiršdavau, kai su grupe vaikščiodavome po miestą, nes žavėdavausi pastatais. Taip pat man labai patiko ekskursijos.  Dėkoju mokytojoms, kurios suorganizavo apsilankymus tokiose nuostabiose vietose. Man buvo malonu aplankyti pasaulinio masto muziejus, pastatus ir gatves, pajusti Londono atmosferą, pulsą. Taigi, pakartosiu, jos esu labai patenkinta, kad turėjau galimybę aplankyti tokį didžiulį, nuostabų miestą  Londoną.”

E I  12kl
“….the most riveting and astonishing, was the Shakespeare's Globe. Its history, design and functionality spoke to me, and I was involved throughout the whole tour…”
 A M, 12kl
“….I was incredibly excited to go back to the British Museum as an adult. I enjoyed the exhibitions in the halls of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. It’s a pity that we had only 3 hours, because during such a time it’s impossible to get around and read everything…”
A A, 11 kl
“…It (the British Museum) was interesting but not as much as I expected. I knew that I had to see the parts about Egypt, Greece and Rome but I think that I was not enough prepared neither emotionally, neither informationally. The trip to the Tower of London was amazing! I somehow managed to see all the parts of it but mostly I loved the ravens…”
 ,,Man labai patiko mūsų kelionė į Londoną. Mes aplankėme daug įdomių miesto lankytinų vietų, susipažinome su istorija ir praktikavo anglų kalbą.  Man labiausiai patiko Londono Taueris, Londono mokslo muziejus ir Šekspyro  ,,Gaublio teatras". Mūsų grupė buvo nuostabi ir kelionė buvo neužmirštama!” 

D S, 12kl
“….Our next destination was the Tower of London, a castle with a bloody history, where the royal crowns and swords of Great Britain are kept…I really liked it that there were people dressed for those ages and guards – beefeaters- looked like I was going back in time.
“… London Eye gave us a great view of London from above, I was impressed of how beautiful it was. …We stopped at Trafalgar square. We found London’s smallest police station there and a great view of Big Ben tower, which was visible at the end of the main street.”

“…Visiting London the Science museum was unforgettable experience! Every section had its own unique things and activities to do. I liked aviation sector the most, I was amazed how planes developed over the centuries, how it went from wooden construction covered in material and mechanisms similar to bird wings to modern complicated machines! …In Harrods every item was eye -catching as well as the interior. Even the staircase was perfectly designed as an Egypt temple…”

E B, 12kl
“The best part of the day was the Science museum. Even though we had 3 hours to explore and read about all the different sciences, it honestly was not enough time to have the full experience. I mostly focused on the medical exhibits, they were my favourite and incredibly interesting. By the end of our time I was extremely exhausted, I hadn't made many breaks in the museum, because I didn’t want to miss out on anything…”
“…we rode the London Eye, it was amazing but underwhelming I’ll admit….”

S J, 10kl
 ,,Mano vizitas Londone buvo labai įdomus. Man patiko kiekviena  diena ir niekada
nejaučiau, kad būtų nuobodu. Muziejai buvo pilni dalykų, kuriuos norėjau pamatyti.
Pati įdomiausia vieta buvo Madam Tussaud muziejus. Ten radau  keletą savo stabų ;) Dar įspūdį paliko  Britų muziejus , bet labai  pavargau vaikščiodamas po jį, nes jis yra labai didelis. Sunku  žodžiais apsakyti savo įspūdžius.”

“…there was a spectacular view from up top London Eye - it was the best view I’ve seen in a while. And Chinatown was very cool as well, I had never eaten so much and enjoyed it at the same time!..” 

K G, 10 kl

“…I was excited with Big Ben... People, music and transport are everywhere. A very big and loud city…”

D R, 10kl

“…I think that the excursion to London went well, firstly, it was a lot of fun and a good group.  Secondly, a very interesting and most importantly good program of the day.  and in general it was very interesting to get to know a new country and places of interest….”

K S, 10kl 

“My opinion about this tour is only positive, I liked all the sights, the way the day went (the plan of the day) we did not linger anywhere and did not waste time in vain...”

A R, 8kl
“…I was in the Science Museum.
I saw objects about astronomy, maths, architectures and also medicine.
In my opinion, it was exciting. For example, I learnt a lot of about clocks…”    
“...I was in the Tower of London, the British museum. Most of all I enjoyed the exhibitions in the British museum. I saw a lot of mummies, vases from China and South Asia. Besides, there was information about religion, culture, and art…” 


N C, 10kl

“…The Tower of London is a very interesting place with a big history. I was happy to see all of the exhibitions there. Tower Bridge looks impressive and it’s hard to understand how people created it. Also, I was fascinated by the British Museum exhibitions. A lot of history art of different cultures…”

“…I really liked yesterday’s activities. We went to the Madam Tussauds museum, London Eye, Piccadilly, Chinatown, Oxford street. In the museum, there were “Marvel” and “Star wars” exhibitions most liked by me... At London eye we saw an impressive view of London city. At Piccadilly was a pretty statue of Eros. At the China Town was such beautiful atmosfere. We found a lot of Chinese Shops and Restaurants. Oxford street looked for me as Gedimino avenue but x10...”

D J, 10kl
“…On 9th of February we could see different wax figures at Madam Tussauds. Also, there were attractions where you could watch a 4D film, ride a train to know more about UK history and experience a horror room with wax figures of maniacs. After that, we went to SoHo where we could taste cuisines of various countries…”
“…we were at the Science Museum... There we could experience different activities, such as flying simulator and various exhibits on different topics. It was really helpful to understand how physics work, how medicine was changing. After that, we went to Harrods, where we could see the brands which are not available in Vilnius…” 
S K, 10kl
“…In the British museum we could see real mummies and pieces of art. I was impressed by the sizes and a huge area of British museum…”

“…the most interesting part in (the Science) museum was Fly 360 and despite the fact that I wasn’t flying there, I saw my friends flying and… it was cool. Also, in the museum,… although there was too much theory, some facts were really interesting…”

D L, 10kl

“…I really enjoyed our time in the Madame Tussauds museum as it was interesting to see the statues of famous people. Especially I liked the area where the story of London was told. Also, I was happy when we saw the Sherlock Holmes museum because I'm fond of detective stories... In Trafalgar square we enjoyed street musicians and I saw the smallest police station in the world. In Chinatown we enjoyed Chinese cuisine...” 

“…the Science Museum is a museum where you can find different areas which you like for example: medicine, technology, history, mathematics, astronomy. For me it was interesting to find more about medicine and surgeries because I'm planning to study medicine…”

D P, 10kl
“..In general, I’m happy that I flew to London…it was cool…Of course, we were tired, but it was fun and very interesting, not boring. I think that I liked most the madam Tussauds Museum, there were a lot of celebrities that I follow on social networks. I also liked the Science Museum because there were a lot of different mechanisms, planes, kitchen appliances, even an old toilet!.. In the museum you can fly in the capsule and rotate as you wish…”

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